One of my favorite things to do is to reflect. I also enjoy writing and sharing reflections. I love to carve out a bit of time, hot drink in hand, and remember. God often tells His people to remember. It is good for us to look back, acknowledge what was, and to make room for His perspective on it all. I especially love to do this at the end of the year... I also like reflecting at the end of the month, week, day. I think it is part of "acknowledging Him in all our ways" (Proverbs 3:6). It is good for our souls to silence the noise, come away with Him, and remember with God. This is a reflection I wrote for the ministry leaders I work with. I pray it is a blessing to you here at the end of the year (or whenever God has brought you to it).
Before you begin this time of reflection, take a moment to be still. Take a few deep breaths and settle into an awareness of the presence of God. Just be still with Him.
How are you coming to this time of reflection? Are you tired or energized? Is life busy? Are your surroundings noisy or peaceful? Take a moment to just become aware of your environment and what life is like for you right now.
Imagine Jesus is there with you (He is; you are just acknowledging it). Intentionally take on a heart posture of receiving from Him all He wants to give you and say to you. You may want to hold your hands open as a symbolic gesture and tell Him you want to receive all He has for you.
Where is Jesus in your imagination? Is He next to you? In front of you? Ask Him to search you and reveal your heart to you. The most important thing you can do in this reflection is to be honest. Tell God, and tell yourself, the truth.
One thing we see in the Bible is that Jesus often asks very interesting questions! He likes to get to the heart of the matter.
Let’s look at 3 Questions Jesus Asked:
…Imagine Jesus looking you in the eyes. You can feel His deep love as He asks, “Who do you say that I am?” (Luke 9:20)
Don’t overthink it. What came to your mind?
In what ways have you experienced the Lord this year? What have you learned about who He is?
Prayer starter: Thank You, (name of God that describes how you have come to know Him), this year I saw You show up in my life as…
Are there any beliefs about You that I have taken on that are not true? Please reveal them to me now…
What do You say about that? What is true about You? …
I choose to believe and align myself with what You say. You are…
…again you can feel His deep love as He asks, “What do you want me to do for you?” (Mark 10:51)
Don’t overthink it. What was the thing that came to your mind?
We all have legitimate needs, we are finite. Be honest. Ask Him to help you know what you truly need. When you have the answer, answer this question:
Why do I want this? What would be true if this need was met? (If you need to dig deeper, keep asking the questions until you get to the real need).
How did you see the Lord meet your needs this year?
Prayer starter: Thank You, Provider and my Provision, for caring for me. Thank you for…I ask…
…next Jesus asks, “What are you afraid of?” (“Why are you afraid?” Mark 4:40)
Again, don’t overthink it. What came to mind?
Imagine writing any fear that came to mind down and giving it/ them to Him.
What does He do with the fear(s)?
Listen for what He says instead or in exchange. Write that down.
Fear often highlights areas where we have false belief. It is good to hear what He says instead. Directly facing and walking through fear with Jesus leads to freedom.
Prayer starter: Thank You, Perfect Love, for casting out all fear. Help me…
Now, with your hands and heart open to Him, just enjoy being with the One who loves you. Receive all He wants to give you.